Lia Aminuddin
Born in Ujungpandang in 1947, and of a Muslim backgroundIn 1974, she was lounging at her in-laws’ when she saw a ball of yellow light hovering above her head. In1995, the ball of light returned, enveloping her while she was deep in daily prayer. It was the archangel Gabriel, she said, calling her to the divine. In the nineties, she began to publicly state that the angel Gabriel had communicated with her, and she developed a small following.
Lia threw herself into a life of “mentorship with Gabriel”. In 1997, she claimed she had received a revelation: that she was Gabriel’s earthly wife and the manifestation of God in the world. Fusing Islam with selected wisdom cobbled from various world religions, she proclaimed her new belief system Salamullah.
Perhaps motivated by the religious violence and terrorism that rocked Indonesia in the early 2000s, Lia abruptly declared that world religions had become the source of all evil and that mankind needed to “transcend” religion.[cited thejakartapost.com ]

Lia Aminuddin (False Prophet)
2023, Embroidery, fabric thread, silk dress lining from E. Shoshan, gauze ribbon, Crown Royal bag from S., Xmas tree skirt gold trim, metalic spandex, fake gilded frame, 11 x 14 inches
Would you believe?
The research
January 4, 2006
April 11, 2021
INDONESIA: Illegal arrest and detention of a leader of a religious minority sect called Eden Community
Urgent Appeal Case | Indonesia | January 17, 2006
Religion on trial
July 15, 2007
Lia Aminuddin: Life after Eden (part one)
Raka Ibrahim (The Jakarta Post)
Jakarta Wed, April 28, 2021